Prescool Social Skills Education: The Impact on Psychological Resilience
Preschool, Psychological Resilience, Social SkillsAbstract
The aim of this research is to examine the impact of a Social Skills Education Program applied to children attending preschool education institutions on their psychological resilience. In the research quasi-experimental model with the protest-posttest group from quantitive research methods was used. The study group consists of 26 children aged 5-6, with 13 in the experimental group and 13 in the control group, attending a kindergarten affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the central district of Kırıkkale during the 2023-2024 academic year In the study, the Social Skills Training Program developed by the researcher was applied to the children in the experimental group three days a week for eigth weeks. The routine program was applied to the control group by the preschool teacher. . In the research, the "Social Emotional Well-Being and Psychological Resilience Scale for Preschool Children" was utilized. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test for within-group comparisons and the Mann-Whitney U test for between-group comparisons. According to the pre-test administered by the preschool teachers, the results obtained from the sub-dimensions of the Psychological Resilience Scale, namely Making Contact/Social Performance, Self-Control/Thoughtfulness, Self-assertiveness, Emotional Stability/Coping with Stress and Pleasure in Exploring were similar in both the experimental and control groups. Statistically significant difference in favor of the control group was obtained in the Task Orientation sub-dimension of the scale. According to the analysis of the post-test data after the implementation of the program, it was observed that the scores of the experimental group increased significantly in the sub-dimensions of Communication/Social Performance (p<0.05), Self-Control/Thoughtfulness (p<0.05), Assertiveness (p<0.05), Emotional Stability/Stress Coping (p<0.05), Task Orientation (p<0.05), and Enjoyment of Being Discovered (p<0.05), compared to the control group. In the permanency test conducted for weeks after the post-test , it was found that the program's impact on children's psychological resilience continued across all sub-dimensions.
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