The Examination of the Relationship Between Intercultural Sensitivity and Life Satisfaction of Foreign Students Receiving Turkish Language Education

The Examination of the Relationship Between Intercultural Sensitivity and Life Satisfaction of Foreign Students Receiving Turkish Language Education


  • Uğurcan Taşdelen Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi



Intercultural communication competence, intercultural sensitivity, Turkish education for foreigners, student, life satisfaction


This study aims to determine the levels of intercultural sensitivity and life satisfaction among students enrolled in Turkish language preparatory programs for foreign students. The research examines the effects of variables such as department, gender, region of residence, international experiences, and friendships with individuals from different cultures. Utilizing a quantitative research method within a survey model, the study's participant group comprised 196 volunteer students from various departments at International Final University during the spring semester of 2022/2023. Data were collected using the "Intercultural Sensitivity Scale" and the "Life Satisfaction Scale" and analyzed with SPSS-24 software. The findings revealed that the participants generally exhibited above-average levels of intercultural sensitivity and life satisfaction, with these levels varying according to demographic variables such as gender, upbringing location, and having friends from other cultures. Female students demonstrated higher levels of intercultural sensitivity and life satisfaction compared to their male counterparts. Additionally, students raised in urban areas exhibited higher sensitivity and satisfaction levels than those from rural areas. The study also found that students with friends from diverse cultural backgrounds had higher intercultural sensitivity and life satisfaction levels than those without. Based on these findings, it is recommended that educational programs be designed to consider cultural differences, aiming to enhance students' life satisfaction and cultural awareness. Incorporating activities that promote intercultural interaction and understanding within educational programs is crucial for fostering these skills.


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How to Cite

Taşdelen, U. (2024). The Examination of the Relationship Between Intercultural Sensitivity and Life Satisfaction of Foreign Students Receiving Turkish Language Education: The Examination of the Relationship Between Intercultural Sensitivity and Life Satisfaction of Foreign Students Receiving Turkish Language Education. International Journal of Education & Well-Being , 2(2), 123–135.