The Effect of Traditional and Interactive Book Reading Methods on the Story Remembering Skills of 60–72-Month-Old Children
Interactive Book Reading, Traditional Book Reading, Recall Skills, Preschool Education, VocabularyAbstract
Nowadays, story books can be read using different methods. One of these methods is the traditional book reading method. In the traditional book reading method, the adult reads the story as it is, without any intervention. In the interactive book reading method, the teacher or the relevant person reading the book creates reading units with the cooperation of the children.
This research examines the intensity of traditional and interactive book reading practices on remembering performance in 60-72 month old children attending pre-school education. The study group of the research consists of 18 children aged 5-6 who attend pre-school education. In the study, two illustrated story books suitable for early childhood were determined and one of the story books was read to the children in the study group with the traditional reading method and the other with the interactive reading method. Interview technique was used in the study, which is a qualitative research. The interviews were collected one day after the reading, with a semi-structured interview form containing reminder questions for the participating children. During the interview, the children's answers were recorded with a voice recorder. The data obtained was analyzed with the descriptive analysis technique and the findings were; It is grouped under four main themes: features about the book's imprint and cover images, information about the characters of the book, features about the story and fiction, and vocabulary.
According to the general results obtained from the research, it is seen that interactive book reading applications can increase people's learning characteristics. Ensuring children's active participation in the story reading process enables children to internalize the story better and encode the information in the story better in their minds. Thus, information about the story becomes permanent and is remembered more easily.
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